Saturday, July 18, 2015

Armoring Your Building (Schools etc) from SHOOTERS - Armor Glass Ballistics Test

Yesterday, Armor Glass conducted ballistics test of a couple windows on which we installed Armor Glass security film. 

Compare the results to the photos below of what happened at Sandy Hook that had no armor glass protection on its windows. 

You will notice that the result is similar to the shooting in Chattanooga in which film like Armor Glass saved the people at the first attack site. 

Photos show that --despite numerous shots into the windows-- he was unable to penetrate the building to reach the people inside.  Normally a couple shots will blow out glass, leaving an empty frame - like at Sandy Hook.  So he gave up and went to a second place in his car where people were caught outside and killed.

We made it into a short video (2 1/2 minutes) to show you what happens.  Note that is does NOT stop the bullet but it does prevent the glass from blowing out after a couple of shots.

WHY is this important? Look at this photo from Sandy Hook elementary school. It shows that the glass was shot out next to the door - the shooter was inside in less than a second.
 The chilling view of the breached window from the INSIDE of the school...
 Now compare the Sandy Hook glass to Armor Glass after being shot numerous times:
Here is a close up...
 That may not impress you but it SAVED LIVES just a couple days ago by keeping an ISIS-inspired shooter from entering this recruiting center in Chattanooga. 

Here is the video - 2 1/2 minutes...

Read "Houses of Straw" at

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