Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hurricane ALEX & NASA's Low Tech Hurricane procedure

The bad news is that Alex has become one of our earliest seasonal storms in 2010. It is now a CAT 1 hurricane that may become a CAT 2 before landfall.

The good news is that most of the target zone appears to be in northern Mexico, but Texas is still in line to get the "right punch" or the "wet" side of the storm.

Do you know what the current procedure is for NASA during a hurricane? It's simple. Any office that has an office and a computer - a garbage bag is placed over the computer. Yep. That's the procedure. Ask any NASA employee for verification.

I was watching the TV video of people in South Texas driving nails and screws into their houses for plywood. Boarding up windows is as yesterday as using a garbage bag to protect a computer in the event the windows blow in, damaging files and causing massive water damage.

I am trying to protect NASA and Texans with more advanced technology, not insult them. But the sad truth is that Texas still lags Florida in adopting newer hurricane technology like security window film which we call "invisible shutters."

Armor Glass is providing 21st century hurricane technology that lets you forget the plywood and the garbage bags. And it saves energy and cuts out cancer causing UV at the same time. Garbage bags and plywood don't do that.

Check it out on our website at BEFORE the next Alex comes our way...we will inspect your windows, show you the film choices and provide a free quote. Just email us to check out this technology that protects from burglars as well as solar heat and hurricanes.

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