Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beat the Triple Digit Heat, Save $ -- and Get Security!

Texas is expecting to set record triple digit heat records.  Utilities are asking people to "cut back" on energy use. There is a simple way to do that, save money and get security at the same time. It's called "Armor Glass security film."

Solar film alone will cut solar heat but it provides ZERO protection from burglars and hurricanes. It is thin, less than the thickness of paper, and easily breached.

However, Solar+Security film does BOTH - cuts solar heat up to 79% AND provides protection from breakins and hurricanes - all at the same time!

So why waste money on solar only film when Solar+Security film will pay for itself over time by cutting your energy use, cooling you off, and protecting your family at the same time?

If everyone in Texas installed it, our electric use would be cut in half or more! There would be fewer break-ins and less damage from blown out windows caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, hail and errant golf balls!

Check us out at www.ArmorGlass.com  The security window film that "armors your glass."

To see how EASY it is to break bare glass, see our 40 second video at the link!

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